The Eviction Process
The eviction process uses an unlawful detainer (court action) to evict a tenant. A landlord may not use illegal self-help remedies such...

The Recording Process
The Recording Act of California provides that any instrument affecting title to (or possession of) real property may be recorded. A deed...

Mobile Home Laws
A mobile home is a structure designed for human habitation and includes a manufactured home. In a mobile home park the tenant-resident...

Sun, Air and View Easements
A light, air and view easement is a negative easement created by grant that prevents an adjacent landowner from building a structure or...

Succession in California
Succession is the legal transfer of a person's interests in real and personal property to as an intestate and is said to die intestate....

Trusts in California
There are several advantages to choosing a trust instead of a will to dispose of property after death. A trust may be established while...

Adverse Possession in California
Adverse possession is the ability to obtain title by occupying land for a statutory time period without the permission of the owner. In...

California Wills
The California Probate Code defines a will to include any testamentary instrument which appoints an executor or revokes or revises...