Business Ownership
A business entity may own property in different ways. Sole Proprietorship A sole proprietorship exists when an individual files to...

A deed is a written instrument used to transfer title from one person to another. To be valid, a deed is required to: Be in writing,...

Nuisances, Trespassing and Encroachments
A nuisance is an activity that substantially interferes with another's right to the reasonable use and enjoyment of their property. A...

The Takings Clause and Land Use
The Takings Clause stems from the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and limits the power of eminent domain (or the power of the...

Leasehold Interests in California
There are four (4) types of leasehold interests recognized by law today: 1. Periodic Tenancy, 2. Tenancy for Years, 3. Tenancy at...

California Concurrent Ownership
Concurrent Ownership There are three (3) types of concurrent ownership in California: 1. Tenancy in Common, 2. Joint Tenancy, and 3....

California Water Rights
Water in its natural state on the surface of the land or underground are considered real property. In the state of California, all water...

California Bundle of Rights and Lateral/Subjacent Support
At common law, the word property refers to a bundle of legal rights that are attached to the ownership of physical property. These rights...