Understanding Your Security Deposit Rights: What Tenants Should Know About Granberry v. Islay Investments
As a tenant in California, your security deposit is more than just an upfront payment—it’s a financial safeguard meant to cover potential...

Emotional Distress Damages for Tenants: A Look at McNairy v. C.K. Realty
When renting a home, tenants trust that their landlords will provide a safe and habitable environment. Unfortunately, that isn’t always...

Your guide to meal and rest break provisions in California
What must your employer comply with according to the FLSA The basics around what employees are allowed to depend on whether you are an...

Understanding how renters are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
As a tenant what you still qualify for and more importantly, what’s ended Credit: One Medical During the coronavirus pandemic there were...

Breaking your lease in cases of violence
A resource for survivors of violence Credit: CNN As a tenant you absolutely have the right to walk out of your lease if you’ve...

How to recognize a breach of ‘Implied Warranty of Habitability’
Know when you have a right to a habitability case against your landlord Every renter in the State of California has a right to live in a...

When can a landlord enter your unit?
Understanding the nuances behind your right to your own space The main issue when concerning your landlord entering your home is whether...

California’s Tenant Protection Act of 2019, A New Step in Rent Control
Understanding the latest in California statewide rent control laws and how they affect you This article will help clarify and explain the...

Rental Agreements
California most often utilizes a periodic rental agreement or lease. A periodic rental agreement is an oral or written rental contract...

Lis Pendens and Tax Liens
Where a title to property is disputed in a lawsuit, either party may record a lis pendens to put others (third-parties) on notice that...